
四环素耐药基因在养猪场猪粪和土壤中的分布研究 被引量:1

The Distribution of Tetracycline Resistance Gene in Swine Manure and Soil of Hoggery
摘要 该文采用PCR方法研究了养猪场中猪粪和土壤中耐四环素乳糖发酵型肠杆菌(TR-LFE)中的tet-R分布和多样性。结果表明,在分离的258株耐四环素乳糖发酵型肠杆菌中,共检测到191株含有tet-R基因,占74.03%。各样品的耐四环素乳糖发酵型肠杆菌中tet-R基因的检出率范围为3.12%~96.87%。根据检出频率的大小,各类tet-R基因的排列顺序为:tet(A),tet(B),tet(M),tet(G),tet(C),tet(D),tet(S),所有样品都没有检测到tet(O)和tet(X)。 In this paper,PCR was applied to analyze the distribution and diversity of tetracycline resistant genes(tet-R gene)in tetracycline resistant Lactose-fermenting Enterobacteriaceae(TR-LFE)separated from swine manureand soil in hoggery.The research results showed that 191 of the 258 strains of TR-LFEs were detected to be tet-Rgene positive,accounting for 74.03%.The rates of tet-R gene positive TR-LFE were in the range of 3.12%~96.87%.Based on the detection frequency of tet-R genes,the general rank of tet-R genes was set out as follows:tet(A),tet(B),tet(M)and tet(G)and tet(C)and tet(D)and tet(S).All the samples were not detected to be tet(O)andtet(X).
出处 《安徽农学通报》 2016年第7期13-14,135,共3页 Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 上海市自然科学基金项目(14ZR1411600)
关键词 耐四环素乳糖发酵型肠杆菌 四环素耐药基因 猪粪 土壤 Tetracycline resistant Lactose-fermenting Enterobacteriaceaer Tetracycline resistant genes livestock feces Pig manure Soil
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