目的总结近15年针灸治疗青光眼的选穴规律。方法笔者通过检索CNKI 2000年至今的关于针灸治疗青光眼的相关文献,对其中的选穴、配穴以及归经进行了统计、归纳和分析,并对其中规律进行了总结和讨论。结果本研究中青光眼涉及11条经脉,5个奇穴和2个特定穴,其中每条经脉的选穴个数占本经穴位数量比例最大为肝经(21.4%),其次为脾经(14.3%);胆经(11.4%);心包经(11.1%),通过数量统计得出治疗青光眼的所有经脉以及奇穴、特定穴的主穴总频数为117次,配穴总频数为39次,主配穴总频数为156次,其中奇穴的主穴频数占所有经脉以及奇穴、特定穴主穴总频数百分比最高(27.4%),其次为膀胱经(18.8%);胆经经(15.4%);胃经(10.3%),肝经的配穴频数占所有经脉配穴总数百分比最高为(20.5%),其次脾经(15.4)、奇穴、胆经、大肠经(均为12.8%),主配穴频数占所穴位总数百分比以奇穴(23.7%)位列第一,第二是胆经(14.7%),第三是膀胱经(14.1%),第四是肝经(12.2%)。共统计主穴23个,配穴15个,其中主穴使用频次最高的前三个依次分别为:睛明穴17次(14.5%);球后穴14次(12.0%);太阳穴13次(11.1%)。配穴使用频次较高者为:合谷穴和太冲穴5次(12.8%);足三里、风池、三阴交、太阳穴均4次(10.2%),主配穴总频次前五名为:睛明穴和太阳穴均为17次(11.0%),风池15次(9.6%),球后穴11次(9.0%),合谷12次(7.7%),太冲穴11次,(7.1%)。结论选穴最多的是奇穴,膀胱经次之,睛明穴为运用频次最高腧穴其次为球后穴和太阳穴,一般遵局部取穴,辩证取穴和特定穴的选穴规律。
Objective:To summarize and analyze the laws of acupoints selection in the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment on Glaucoma.Methods:Literature about glaucoma treating was searched in CNKI from 2000 up to now,among which,acpoints selection,match and meridian were made statistics,induction and analysis.Results:There were 11 meridians,5 Qi acupuncture points and 2 special acupoints,among which,the number of selected acpoints took up all the acpoints in The liver meridian was 21.4,spleen meridian 14.3%;gall bladder 11.4%;pericardium meridian 11.1%.The total frequences of main acpoints of all the meridians and Qi acupuncture points,special acupoints was 117 times and matching acupoint 39 times,with a total number 156 times,among which,the total frequences of main acpoints of Qi acupuncturepoints took up 27.4% of the total frequences,followed by bladder meridian(18.8%),gall bladder(15.4%);stomach meridian(10.3%).The frequrences of matching acupoint of liver meridian took up 20.5% of the total frequences of matching acupoint in meridians,followed by spleen meridian(15.4%),Qi acupuncture points,gall bladder,Large intestine meridian(all was 12.8%);the percentage of main and matching acupoints took up the whole acpoints:Qi acupuncture points was the NO.1(23.7%),second gall bladder(14.7%),third bladder meridian(14.1%),fourth liver meridian(12.2%).There were 23 main points,15 matching acupoint,among which,the commonest used main points in turns was Jingming points 17 times(14.5%),Qiuhou 14 times(12.0%);Taiyang 13 times(11.1%).The commonest used matching acupoints was:Hegu and Taichong 5 times(12.8%),Zusanli,Fengchi,Sanyinjiao,Taiyang 4 times(10.2%).Top 5of frequences of main and matching acupoints was Jingming points and Taiyang 17 times(11.0%),Fengchi 15times(9.6%),Qiuhou 11 times(9.0%),Hegu 12 times(7.7%),Taichong 11 times(7.1%).Conclusion:The most used is Qi acupuncture points,followed by acupoints from Bladder meridian.The most commonly specific used acupuncture points are Jingming,Qiuhou and Taiyang.The principles of acupoints selection generally agree with the local point selection,dialectical point and the specific points.
Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Laws of acupoints selection