
自然法、道德责任与伦理原则——西塞罗慈善伦理思想及其评价 被引量:2

Natural Law,Moral Responsibility and Ethics Principles——The Philanthropic Ethics Thoughts of Cicero
摘要 西塞罗是古希腊罗马时期著名的政治家、哲学家与演说家,他将古希腊哲学与古罗马现实相结合,重构了一套哲学理论体系,其中蕴含了丰富的慈善伦理思想。西塞罗从"自然法"的外在规定性与"绝对道德责任"的内在要求,论证了慈善存在的合理性与正当性,同时,西塞罗在追问慈善本质的基础上,确立了慈善行为应遵循的基本伦理原则:(1)"不超越财力"的适度原则;(2)根据亲疏关系、受助者的品格及需要选择施助对象的原则;(3)"回报优先于行善"的感恩原则。西塞罗的慈善伦理思想经过历史沉淀,依然闪烁着智慧的光芒,同时也存在一定的历史局限性。 Cicero is the famous politician,philosopher and elocutionist in ancient Greece and Rome.He combines the philosophy of ancient Greece with reality of Rome and re-factories a system of philosophy,which is full of Philanthropic ethics.From the external stipulations of the natural law and the inherent requirement of absolute moral responsibility,he demonstrated the rationality and the legitimacy of the existence of charity.In the same time,from the essence of the charity,he puts forward the ethical principle that the charity should follow:(1)the principle of not beyond the financial resources;(2)the principle of chosen the recipients according to the near or far relation,the character and the need;(3)the principle of gratitude of return in preference to do good.Cicero's philanthropic ethics goes though the historical precipitation,still flashing the light of wisdom,but there is still a historical limitation.
作者 王银春
出处 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期111-115,共5页 Qilu Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"慈善伦理的文化血脉与价值导向研究"(14BZX102) "当代中国慈善伦理范式转换研究"(15BZX102)
关键词 西塞罗 慈善伦理思想 自然法 绝对道德责任 Cicero philanthropic ethics natural law absolute moral responsibility
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