
心房颤动性心肌病 被引量:20

Lone atrial fibrillation-induced cardiomyopathy
摘要 特发性心房颤动(房颤)伴长期快速心室率,可引起心房、心室扩张、射血分数下降,甚至心力衰竭,而发生房颤性心肌病。其最大特点为可逆性,即减慢心率或终止房颤后,心脏改变可恢复。与原发或其他继发性心肌病合并房颤的临床表现容易混淆,故及早识别与合理诊治具有重要的临床价值。针对房颤性心肌病,进行有效的心律转复或者心室律控制可以逆转心脏功能,对患者的预后大有裨益。 In patients with lone atrial fibrillation and long-term rapid ventricular rate,the atrial or ventricular dilatation,reduced ejection fraction and heart failure appear gradually,which is defined as the lone atrial fibrillation-induced cardiomyopathy.The greatest feature of this disease is reversible.So when heart rate slows down or atrial fibrillation converts to sinus rhyhm,the cardiac remodeling is fully reversed.Compared with other primary or secondary cardiomyopathy patients with atrial fibrillation,their clinical manifestations are confused easily.Therefore,early identification and reasonable diagnosis and treatment are important for clinicians in lone atrial fibrillation-induced cardiomyopathy.In these patients,effective rhythm conversion or ventricular rhythm control would bring great benefits in prognosis.
作者 郭继鸿
出处 《临床心血管病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期319-324,共6页 Journal of Clinical Cardiology
关键词 心房颤动 心肌病 导管消融 心力衰竭 atrial fibrillation cardiomyopathy catheter ablation heart failure
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