从2014年至2017年,国际电工委员会将陆续完成IEC 60092-3船舶电气设备之船舶及近海装置用电缆系列标准的修订。介绍了2014年已修订发行的三个标准IEC 60092-350 Ed.4.0、IEC 60092-360 Ed.1.0和IEC 60092-354 Ed.3.0与前一版相比的技术变化。
International Electrotechnical Commission will complete IEC 60092-3 Electrical installations in ships as shipboard and offshore cables serial standards from 2014 to 2017.The paper introduces technology content variations of 3 printed standards IEC 60092-350 Ed.4.0,IEC 60092-360 Ed.1.0 and IEC 60092-354 Ed.3.0 in 2014 comparing with the former edition of them.
Wire & Cable