北衙金矿4000 t/d选厂是一座常规全泥氰化炭浆厂。投产后,各项工艺指标基本达到了设计水平,但尾渣金、银品位偏高,金浸出率不到90%,银浸出率不到30%。为了进一步降低尾渣品位,提高金、银浸出率,选厂进行了一系列的工艺技改及试验研究。经过研究得出,采用"边磨边浸"工艺流程可以有效地提高金、银的浸出率。于是选厂进行技改,运用了"边磨边浸"工艺流程。技改后,工艺指标得到了明显的提高,年平均金浸出率提高了2.97%,达到92.40%,银浸出率提高了9.07%,达到35.49%;尾渣金品位下降了0.10 g/t,降至0.16 g/t,尾渣银品位下降了3.43 g/t,每年可为选厂增加5000万元以上的经济效益。
Beiya gold mine 4000 t/d concentrator is a regular all-sliming cyaniding plant. After the production, each process index reached the design level, however, the railings grade of gold and silver is high, the leaching rate of gold is less than 90% , and that of silver is less than 30%. In order to reduce the loss in railings and in- crease the leaching rate of gold and silver, the concentrator conducted a series of process modification and experi- mental study. The study showed that the process of " leaching while grinding" can effectively improve the leaching rate of gold and silver. So the concentrator adopted the process of " leaching while grinding". Comparing to the reg- ular flowsheet, it has an obvious improvement in benification performance both of gold as well as silver, the leac- hing rate of gold is improved by 2.97% up to 92.40% and that of silver improved by 9.07% up to 35.49% per year, correspondingly, the grade of gold in tailings was declined by 0. l g/t down to 0. 16 g/t, and the grade of sil- ver in railings declined by 3.43 g/t. This can produce a profit of over 50 millions yuan for the concentrator every year.
Mining And Metallurgy
all-sliming cyaniding
leaching while grinding
leaching rate