
论歌德《浮士德》的题材与经典化 被引量:1

The Theme of Faust and Its Canonization
摘要 浮士德是欧洲中世纪传说中一个广为人知且名声恶劣的人物,早期的叙述者们显然从不同的视角和目标改变了浮士德的原型故事,浮士德形象聚集了越来越多的真实的、想象的和传说的故事。歌德《浮士德》的创作几乎是持续了他整个文学生涯,该诗剧第一部和第二部存在较大的差异,但二者都具有共同的人物形象。人们对《浮士德》的看法有较大的悬殊,虽然更早时期有人对《浮士德》表达了敬意,但直到1871年前后,《浮士德》才迅速完成了经典化的进程。 Faust is a notorious protagonist in European legends of the Middle Ages. The stories have been adapted by many narrators from different perspectives with various intentions as a hybrid of real and fictionaltastical characters. Faust is a major theme throughout Goethe's literary career, in spite of differences between his first part and the second part, the character remains the same. People 's viewpoints on Faust vary from each other, and it is not until 1871 that the work has completed its canonization.
作者 彭建华
出处 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第2期85-90,共6页 Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 四川省教育厅人文社会科学重点项目"郭沫若德语文学的翻译研究"(GY2013A05)
关键词 诗体剧 歌德 《浮士德》 题材 经典化 poetic play Goethe Faust subject matter canonization
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