To study the effect of miR-496 on cycle of HepG2 cells,the experiment use Lip 2000 transfected miR-496 mimics,mimetic negative control,inhibitor,inhibitor negative control in hepatoma cell line HepG2. Successful transfection confirmed by PCR,the effect of miR-496 on cycle of HepG2 cells was detected by Nucleocounter( R) NC-3000 TM. In the join miR-496 mimics HepG2 test,compared with the control group,G0 / G1 phase cells increased,G2 / M phase cells decreased. Join miR-496 mimics negative control test results with the control group did not change the basic results. Join miR-496 inhibitor test results with the control group compared to the results,G0 / G1 phase cells decreased,and G2 / M phase cells increased. In the case of the miR-496 inhibitor added to the negative control group,the detection result is basically unchanged. In summary,miR-496 can inhibit the cell line HepG2 division.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition