
瑜伽运动对高校大学生身体机能素质的影响 被引量:9

Effects of Yoga on Physical Function Quality of College Students
摘要 目的研究瑜伽运动对大学生身体素质机能影响的效果.方法选取48名在校大学生作为实验对象进行为期12周的运动处方干预,实验组24名进行瑜伽运动处方干预和对照组24名进行其它体育项目的自由运动,实验前后选用国民体质健康监测标准对受试者身体素质及机能指标进行检测,对实验结果进行统计和分析.结果实验组瑜伽运动处方干预效果非常显著,实验前后入组对象身体机能素质指标中安静心率、肺活量、立定跳远有明显变化(P<0.05),其余指标数值实验后均有非常明显的变化(P<0.01),对照组各项指标虽有提高,但没有显著变化,无统计学意义.结论瑜伽运动处方干预对大学生生理机能均有显著影响,非常显著地提高了机体的身体素质,对高校大学生体能的改善起到了积极的作用. Objective To explore the effects of yoga on undergraduate physical function and quality.Methods 48 students in university were selected as the experimental objects with 12 weeks of exercise prescription intervention, including 24 students of experimental group with prescription intervention of yoga exercise and 24 students of control group with freedom movement of other sports. Before and after the experiment, the body quality and function indexes of students were detected and analyzed using the national physique health monitoring standards.Results Yoga exercise prescription intervention showed an obvious effect. After the intervention,the heart rate at rest, vital capacity and standing long jump were significantly higher than those before the intervention in the experimental group(P〈0.05), and the other indexes were also significantly improved(P〈0.01). Although the indexes in the control group were improved after intervention, there were no statistical differences. Conclusion Yoga has a significant influence on college students' physiological functions and can improve the physical quality significantly, which plays a positive role on the improvement of the college student's physical fitness.
出处 《昆明医科大学学报》 CAS 2016年第3期39-44,共6页 Journal of Kunming Medical University
基金 云南省应用基础研究联合基金资助项目(2014FZ002) 昆明医科大学教研教改研究基金资助项目(2012JY45)
关键词 瑜伽运动 大学生 身体机能素质 干预效果 Yoga Undergraduates Physical quality Intervention effect
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