
顾及局部特征的线状要素制图综合 被引量:6

Line features generalization method based on local structural features
摘要 针对传统的线状要素化简方法难以准确描述线要素局部结构特征的问题,该文提出了一种顾及局部结构特征的线状要素制图综合方法。引入m阶邻居坐标点概念,分析坐标点对线要素局部结构特征的贡献程度;建立了局部结构特征度量方法,实现了简单线要素的自动化简;基于该化简过程,从拓扑不变性角度顾及线状要素的整体形态及不同线状要素之间的拓扑关系,实现了复合线划网络的自动综合。基于对简单线划目标和复杂线划网络的实验结果表明:通过调整m的取值,可以完成不同尺度下线要素的自动制图综合,且化简结果较好地保持了原始线划要素的整体形态特征。 With considering the problem that traditional line simplification methods can hardly describe the local structural features of line objects accurately, a new line generalization algorithm was proposed in this paper. From the perspective of geographical features of line objects, the concept of m-order neighbor coordinates was introduced to analyze the contribution degree of coordinates on local structure of line fea- tures, and a corresponding approach for measuring the local structural characteristics was presented, which realized the simplification of single line objects. On the basis of those, from the perspective of topol- ogical invariance, with considering the overall shape characteristics of line features and the topological re lationship between line objects, the auto-simplification of complex line networks was implemen- ted. Experimental results both for single line objects and complex line networks showed that the suggested algorithm realized the auto-generalization of line objects by adjusting the value of m, and the simplified re- sults well retained the overall shape characteristics of original line features.
作者 杨志坚
出处 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期118-123,共6页 Science of Surveying and Mapping
关键词 制图综合 线状要素 化简 地理特征 map generalization line features simplification geographical feature
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