

Implementation of MPI for embedded VxWorks operation system
摘要 MPI基础性研究对于嵌入式并行计算领域具有重大意义,但国内MPI具体实现不多。针对这种情况,提出了一种为嵌入式VxWorks实时操作系统设计的并行编程解决方案,以Linux系统的开源MPICH2实现为参考对象,实现了支持MPI标准的嵌入式系统MPI实现—WMPI,将MPI并行编程平台引入到VxWorks系统中,提出了基于底层通信组件的MPI标准实现方法和技术,搭建了嵌入式MPI并行应用开发平台。实验结果表明,WMPI能够在VxWorks系统环境下正确实现MPI标准,并且性能优越。 Basic research of Message-Passing Interface( MPI) is quit significant in the field of parallel computing on embeded real time systems,however,there is few implementation of MPI in our country at present. In view of this,this paper proposed a parallel programming solution for embedded VxWorks real time operation system. Based on the open source MPI implementation MPICH2 for Linux system,we introduced the MPI implementation-WMPI for embeded real time system, let the MPI parallel programming platform into VxWorks system,provided a new MPI implementation and technology based on low level communication interface,and built an MPI parallel application development platform. The experimental results show that MPI can be implemented on VxWorks system with WMPI,which runs effectively.
作者 芮国俊 王婷
出处 《信息技术》 2016年第4期196-200,共5页 Information Technology
关键词 MPI 嵌入式 VXWORKS 并行计算 MPI embedded system VxWorks parallel computing
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