摘要儿童人类学(Anthropology of Children)也称为"童年人类学"(Anthropology of Childhoods),最早源于心理人类学与文化人类学等交叉学科,是人类学的一门新兴分支领域。儿童人类学的儿童观体现了对儿童这一特殊群体研究方面的一些基本主张,对分析当今儿童教育问题很有意义。
1Myra Bluebond-Langner,Jill E. Korbin. Challenges and Opportunities in the Anthropology of Childhoods:An In- troduction to "Children,Childhoods,and Childhood Stud- ies"[J] .American Anthropologist, 2007, (2) : 241-246.
3Robert A. Levine. Ethnographic Studies of Childhood:A Historical Overview [ J ].American Anthropologist, 2007, (2): 247-260.
5Myra Bluebond-Langner,Jill E. Korbin,Challenges and Opportunities in the Anthropology of Childhoods:An In- troduction to "Children,Childhoods,and Childhood Stud- ies" [J].American Anthropologist, 2007, (2) : 241-246.