
感恩与亲社会行为关系研究述评及展望 被引量:17

A Review on the Relationship between Gratitude and Pro-social Behavior
摘要 感恩作为人类的积极情绪与道德情感,可以引发个体更多的亲社会行为。研究者对感恩概念尚未达成统一,主要存在特质感恩与状态感恩两种不同倾向,二者均能促进个体的亲社会行为,而且亏欠感与感恩也有紧密联系。感恩与亲社会行为关系得到积极情绪的拓展建构理论与道德情感理论的支持。感恩与亲社会行为的关系主要有三类:一是感恩直接促进亲社会行为,二是感恩影响亲社会行为的中介模式,三是感恩影响亲社会行为的调节模式。未来应在积极心理学背景下进一步研究感恩与亲社会行为的关系。 Gratitude as human positive emotion and moral emotion can trigger more individual pro-social behavior. The researchers have not yet reached consensus with the concept of gratitude. Trait gratitude and state gratitude are the main tendency and they can promote pro-social behavior. In addition, indebtedness and gratitude have deep connections. The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotion and moral emotion theory both support the relationship between gratitude and pro-social behavior. The relationship between gratitude and pro-social behavior is divided into three types: the direct influence of gratitude on pro-social behavior, the mediation model and moderation model of gratitude and pro-social behavior. In the future,we should improve the research of the relationship between gratitude and pro-social behavior under the positive psychology perspective.
出处 《心理研究》 2016年第2期3-8,共6页 Psychological Research
关键词 感恩 亏欠感 亲社会行为 积极心理学 gratitude indebtedness pro-social behavior positive psychology
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