以PVA为施胶剂,碳酸钙为颜料配制施胶液,对证券纸进行表面施胶。系统地研究了颜料粒子粒径及其分布、施胶剂与颜料比例、施胶液固含量、施胶量对证券纸施胶层透明度的影响(透明度以透射率下降率TD表示,TD≤10%)。结果表明:随着颜料粒子的粒径变大,粒径分布变宽,颜料化比例增大,固含量增加,施胶量增加,施胶层的透明度呈降低趋势。当PVA:95GCC为10:1,施胶液固含量为5%,颜料粒子平均粒径为0.934μm,施胶量为1.0 g·m-2时,施胶层的透明度较好,透射率下降率为6.3%。
With PVA as sizing agent, calcium carbonate as pigment, a transparent substrate surface sizing liquid was produced for surface sizing of bone paper. Under the condition of solid content of 5% and 8%, the effect of pigment proportion of sizing liquid, particle size, sizing amount on the transparency of bond paper sizing layer were systematically studied. The transparency was expressed in transmittance drop rate ofTD, TD 10% or less. Results show that with the increased of pigment ratio and solid content, the bigger particle size, particle size distribution grows wider, the transparency all showed a trend of reduce. When the PVA:95GCC of 10:1, sizing liquid solid content is 5%, the average particle size of 0.934μm, sizing amount is 1.0 g·m^-2, the transparency of sizing layer is the best, TD was 6.3%.
Paper and Paper Making