

A Study on the Codification Background of Memorials and Letters in Tongmunson
摘要 《东文选》是朝鲜初期编成的一部一百三十卷的多文体选本,其中收录的表、笺作品多达十四卷,这既受益于以承文院文官为主要编纂班底的文献裒辑之便,又与表、笺在东国外交、科举等场域中的重要地位密切相关。从《东文选》"表笺"类作品的编纂体例,可以看出主纂者徐居正等人在遵循前代选本既有规范的同时,也能自成新格:将表、笺作品合标以"表笺"之目,很有可能受到东人别集《阳村集》以及《翰墨全书》等中国类书的启发,同时也起到了维护本国国体的客观效果;至于按题材对"表笺"下的作品做出不标细目的二级分类,则是对《圣宋名贤五百家播芳大全文粹》、《东人之文四六》等文献相关作品分类编排经验各有去取的学习;而在藉助类目细分表达出自我文体观念的同时,一些细节上的处理又体现着编纂者们有意识的去类书化倾向。 Tongmunson,compiled in the early period of Chosun Dynasty,is a 130-volume multi-genre anthology.The anthology included up to 14 volumes of memorials and letters( Biao-Jian),which attributes to not only the work of compilers,especially governmental positions at Sung-mun-won,for whom it was convenient to collect literatures,but also the significance of memorials and letters in the Chosun Dynasty's diplomacy and imperial examinations. In fact,the distinct editiorial way of memorials and letters in Tongmunson is that they followed a previous compiling style of some collections of poems and essays,and then meddled it with their own style. The merging of'biao'and'jian'into'biao-jian'was inspired by some Chinese reference books and Korean collected works such as Yang-Cun-ji,Han-Mo-Quan-Shu,and this also achieved an objective effect of maintaining the state system of Chosun Dynasty. Under the partially influence of some compiling thinking reflected in Donginjimun-saryuk and Song-Bo-Fang,Seo Geojeong,etc.,the compilers chose untitled secondary classification according to the content of memorials and letters in Tongmunson. Some details in the process of compiling embodied Seo Geojeongs' intention to avoiding Tongmunson appeared the tendency of reference books.
作者 陈彝秋
出处 《南京晓庄学院学报》 2016年第2期47-54,123,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"<东文选>研究"(12YJC751008)阶段性成果
关键词 《东文选》 表笺 标目 分类 文体观念 Tongmunson Biao-Jian Title the Secondary Classification Donginjimun-saryuk Han-Mo-Quan-Shu Song-Bo-Fang
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