

The Reliability and Economic Analysis Comparison Between Parallel System and Erlang Distribution System
摘要 在构建复杂系统时,为了提高系统的运行可靠度,决策者往往采取冗余备份或者将元件并联.但在采取冗余备份时,需要增加系统检测设备与开关零件,这又显著地增加了经济费用;此外,开关的可靠度也会对系统的可靠度造成影响.本文将对服从指数分布的并联系统可靠度与爱尔兰分布式冗余备份系统进行比较,首先分析元件个数的增加或者并联个数的增加所带来的系统边际可靠度的提高,进而研究在经济费用约束的条件下是实行并联还是实行爱尔兰分布式的冗余备份,以及对开关经济成本等变量作最优可靠度灵敏度分析. In order to improve the reliability of complex system, decision makers tend to take redundant backup or parallel the components. However, taking redundant backup would increase the number of system detection equipment and switch parts, which has great effect on the cost and the reliability of the system.This paper attempts to compare the relia- bility of the exponential distribution of the parallel system with that of the redundancy sys- tems, analyze increase of the number of components in the two system, which brings im- provement of marginal reliability of system, and study whether to apply parallel or Erlang distribution redundant backup in the economic cost constraints, to further analyze the impact of the economic cost of the switch.
出处 《南华大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第1期71-76,共6页 Journal of University of South China:Science and Technology
基金 福建省教育厅基金资助项目(JB14134)
关键词 可靠度 爱尔兰分布 指数分布 并联系统 reliability Erlang distribution exponential distribution parallel system
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