
中美欧关于2020年后国际气候协议的设计--一种比较分析的视角 被引量:1

Comparison of Stances of China,US and EU on Post-2020 Climate Agreement
摘要 中美欧不仅是世界主要温室气体排放体,而且在应对气候变化中地位特殊,因而中美欧的谈判立场对2020年后国际气候协议的设计至关重要。中美欧在2020年后国际气候协议的法律地位、指导原则、减排承诺以及适应问题等核心要素上,既有共同立场,但也存在一定的分歧。中美欧三方的立场与其在2020年后国际气候谈判中追求的利益密切相关。从目前来看,2020年后国际气候机制将是国际法约束力较弱、应对气候变化雄心偏低但参与方较广的混合式软性气候治理机制。 China, US and EU are not only the main greenhouse gas emitters, but also enjoy a special position in combating against climate change, which means three parties' negotiating stances are of importance for design of post-2020 climate agreement. As to the main elements of post-2020 climate agreement which includes legal form,guiding principles,mitigation commitments and adaptation,China, US and EU have common ground in some aspects and differ in others. The three parties' stances are closely related to their goals to attain in post-2020 climate negotiation. Under the influence from China, US and EU, the main character of post-2020 climate agreement has appeared. Judging from current developments, post-2020 climate regime is most likely soft cli- mate governance structure with less international legal stringency and low climate ambition but broad participation.
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期83-91,共9页 Teaching and Research
基金 国家社科基金项目“国际社会对中国梦的认知和评价研究”(项目号:14CKS005) 西北农林科技大学基本科研业务费-人文社科项目(项目号:2014RWYB16)的阶段性成果
关键词 2020年后国际气候机制 主要谈判方 利益诉求 未来走向 post-2020 climate regime major negotiating parties interest future trends
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