‘中桃砧1号’是以‘山桃1号’和‘毛桃1号’为亲本杂交选育的抗重茬桃砧木品种。与野生山桃、毛桃相比,具有根系发达、苗木整齐、健壮,与桃、油桃等嫁接亲和性好。最突出特点是在重茬地上新建桃园生长良好,对再植障碍具有较强抗性。既可用种子繁殖,也可扦插或组培繁殖,种子繁殖时分离较小,苗相整齐。‘中桃砧1号’新梢前端绿色,嫩叶浅紫红,成熟新梢阳面变紫红色,节间长度中等,平均长度2.14 cm。花蔷薇型,萼筒内壁绿黄色,花药紫红色,花瓣椭圆形,花粉多。果小,形近圆,果肉薄,无食用价值。离核。核椭圆形,深褐色,顶部微有小尖,表面光滑,多点沟纹。干种子单粒质量平均2.19 g。‘中桃砧1号’在郑州地区,萌芽2月中旬,开花3月中旬,果实8月20日成熟。盛果期每666.7 m2平均产干种子(桃核)198 kg,约63 000粒。
China is the biggest peach-producing country in the world. Replanting is practically inevitable in main producing area,especially in protected-cultivation area. Peach replanting leads to growth recession even tree death,which is turning into a problem.‘CPR1',as a new replanting-tolerant rootstock for peach,derived from Prunus davidiana × Prunus persica. Compared with P. davidiana and P. persica,‘CPR1',as the hybrid of the two species,show markedly heterosis with well-developed root system,stronger growth vigor and obvious replanting tolerance.‘CPR1'seedlings are relatively even and segregated limitedly with good graft-compatibility with peach and nectarine varieties. The forepart of new‘CPR1'shoot is green,the sunny side turning to amaranthine when the shoot getting older. The leaves of‘CPR1'are also amaranthine. The internode length is medium with the average value 2.14 cm. The flower is showy with elliptic petals. The internal surface of the corolla is greenish yellow. The anther is claret-colored with abundant pollens. The fruit is small,rounded-shaped and freestone with thin sarcocarp,no edible value.The surface of peach pit is smooth with many rills and a cuspidal apex. The single dry seed with stone averagely weighs 2.19 g.‘CPR1'begins sprouting in the middle of February and flowering in the middle of March in Zhengzhou area,Henan Province. The fruit matures in August. The average yield of seeds with stone in full fruiting period is 2 970 kg·hm2,approximately 945 000 seeds.‘CPR1'can be multiplied by seeds or propagated by cutting or micro-propagation.
Journal of Fruit Science