
网络购物感知风险测量结构方程模型分析——以高校大学生为例 被引量:5

Analysis of Structure Equation Model of Online Shopping Perceived Risk Measurement——Taking College Students as an Example
摘要 随着网络购物的兴起,大学生已经成为这一购物形式的主力军。在分析我国网络购物问题的基础上,指出:当前大学生对网络购物存在着感知风险。基于因子分析及结构方程模型的实证分析发现,网上商店不可靠风险、产品效果风险、金钱损失风险、产品配送风险以及个人信息泄露风险5个维度,对于网购感知风险存在正向作用。由于研究对象的特殊性,研究证实与普通消费者网络购物风险感知实证结果存在着一定的差异,该群体对个人信息泄露的风险甚为担心。最后,从树立正确健康的网购观念、明确监管机构、建立个人隐私泄露的法律救济机制、完善网购过程的保险赔付4个方面提出了具体的建议及对策。 With the rapid development of online shopping,college students have become the main force in this form of shopping.Based on the analysis of online shopping problem,it points out perceived risks of online shopping presence of current college students.We analyzed the problem current existing in perceived risk of college students on reliable,product performance,financial loss,product distribution and reveal of personal information. Based on empirical analysis by factor analysis and structural equation techniques,we found that perceived risks of online shopping for college students is positively affected by the five factors. Due to the special research subject,the paper confirmed that empirical results exist differences with ordinary consumers online shopping risk perception. The group is very worried about the risk of personal information leakage. Finally,the paper puts forward the concrete suggestions and countermeasures,from setting up correct health concept of online shopping,clearing regulators,creating personal privacy legal relief mechanism,to perfecting online shopping process of insurance claims.
机构地区 华东交通大学
出处 《南昌航空大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期52-59,共8页 Journal of Nanchang Hangkong University(Social Sciences)
基金 2010年江西省社会科学规划项目"基于我国市场环境下网络购物风险防范体系研究"(10YJ38)
关键词 网络购物 感知风险 结构方程模型 大学生 online shopping perceived risks structural equation model college students
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