

Status and advance on study of behavior and ecology in primates(Ⅲ): social organization and dispersal behavior
摘要 所有的灵长动物都是社会性动物,其社会群体的组成成分依物种不同而有很大不同。它们在群体中进行取食、漫游、休息和睡眠等各种活动。对灵长动物的社会组织进行归纳分类有助于对各个物种进行比较研究,其最终目的是便于研究能够影响社会组织多样性的各种因素。灵长动物的社会分群是多种选择因素作用的结果,其中每一种因素都能以不同的方式影响猴群的大小、组成成分和数量动态。虽然大多数灵长动物生活在本物种所特有的社会单位中,但它们并不是终生都生活在同一个社群中。有些种类是雌猴留在自己的出生群,而雄猴外迁到另一个社群中;还有一些种类是雄猴留在自己的出生群中而雌猴外迁;吼猴和小狷猴等是雌雄两性都外迁。从个体的视角看,灵长动物的社群并不是一个稳定持久的单位,而是一个复杂的动态系统,随着个体的出生、成熟、外迁、迁入、迁出、配对、生殖和死亡而不断发生变化。最早关于灵长动物社会行为的知识来自于持续1~2年的短期观察,但现在已经积累了大量的长期野外观察资料,而且在研究方法上也有很多创新。这些资料和方法为我们提供了更广阔的生物学视角并开辟了新的研究前景。 All primates are social animals: they interact regularly with other members of their species in various ways. The composition of primate social groups differs considerably from species to species. Many primate species live in groups consisting of a single adult male along with several females and their offsprings. In contrast to these one-male groups, many species live in large polygynandrous groups that include several reproductively active adult males, females, and offsprings, all of which forage as a group. These categories of social organization provide us mainly with a convenient framework for comparing different species. The ultimate goat of such classification is to facilitate the investigation of the l;actors that have given rise to this diversity in social organization. Primate social groupings are the restllt of many selective factors, each of winch influences in a different way on the size, composition, and dynamics of the social group. Although most primates are found live in species-specific types of social units, most individuals do not spend their entire lives in the same social group. In most Old World monkeys and in several lemurs, females generally stay in their natural group, and males emigrate to other groups. In chimpanzees and bonobos, most males stay in their natural group, and females migrate. In many other species, both sexes migrate from group to group. From the perspective of the individuals, primate social group are not stable, permanent units: they are complex and dynamic networks that continually change as individuals are born, mature, emigrate, immigrate, mate, reproduce and die. Factors such as inbreeding avoidance, resource distribution, and protection from infanticide seem to be important in determining the patterns of immigration and emigration in different species.
作者 尚玉昌
出处 《自然杂志》 2016年第2期116-119,共4页 Chinese Journal of Nature
关键词 灵长动物 社会组织 社会结构 单雄群 全雄群 散布行为 primate, social organization, social structure, one-male group, all-male group, dispersal behavior
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