为了进一步提高船舶控制系统在恶劣海况下的可靠性,本文采用冗余CAN总线搭建了通信网络。该网络采用软件方法实现了两路CAN总线的热冗余,自定义了通信协议,通过动态链接库实现了不同设备之间的程序移植,并采用Lab VIEW开发了上位监控软件。应用结果表明,该网络运行稳定可靠,故障检测准确,实时容错能力强,移植性好,大大降低了研发成本,具有很好的实用性和推广价值。
This paper develops a redundancy CAN-bus network for improving reliability of marine control system in severe sea condition. This network implemented hot redundancy of CAN-bus by software method, defined a custom communication protocol, transplanted the program by Dynamic Link Library, and developed the monitoring software by LabVIEW. The application shows that this system runs stably and accurately. The technology and methods adopted in the system are practical and worthy of using abroad.
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