目的探讨一款手持式红外光谱仪在TATP爆炸物相关制品临场快速检测时的应用可行性。方法分析TATP的临场检测对象并准备相应检测样本,利用Tru Defender FT手持式傅里叶变换红外光谱仪进行快速检测和识别,对识别结果进行综合分析评判。结果该款手持式红外光谱仪能够对待测样本中的所有TATP制成品进行识别和报警,识别结果二聚体DADP可以与三聚体、四聚体和六聚体进行准确区分,三聚体TATP不能与四聚体和六聚体区分。结论手持式红外光谱仪能够基本满足复杂环境下TATP的临场检测需求。
Objective To investigate the applicability of a portable infrared spectrometer for the rapid detection of triacetonetriperoxide(TATP)and the related substances. Methods The relatedness of the sampling object to TATP was tested and analyzed with a portable infrared spectrometer Tru Defender FT. The results were comprehensively evaluated. Results The portable infrared spectrometer Tru Defender FT can be used for fast detection of TATP and distinction from DADP, yet unable to distinguish the tetramer, hexamer and tripolymer of acetone peroxide. Conclusions The portable infrared spectrometer Tru Defender FT can be up to meet the needs for rapid detection of TATP explosives in complex environment.
Forensic Science and Technology