
非洲高等教育一体化进程研究 被引量:2

Harmonization of Higher Education in Africa:A Study on the Development Process
摘要 非洲高等教育一体化与非洲一体化的使命、非洲高等教育系统面临的困难以及与其他地区高等教育一体化进程有密切联系。历经独立前至独立初期的萌芽、20世纪80年代至90年代的兴起、新世纪初的蓬勃发展,近年来非洲高等教育又出现了新动向:重修一体化公约;建立非洲学历资格和学分框架;构建非洲教育质量保障框架;推进ICT建设;促进科研发展等。虽然非洲高等教育一体化初显成效,但它仍面临教育体制难"协调"、质量"标准"难保障、信息资源"分享"不畅、行动"联合"不强等问题。我国可考虑采取多个方案参与推进非洲高等教育一体化进程。 Harmonization of Higher education in Africa has close links with the mission of African integration, the problems in African higher education system and the development of higher education harmonization in other regions of the world. It have experienced three periods: sprouting during pre-independence to the early years after independence, rising from 1980s to 1990s and flourishing at the early 21st century. In recent years, there are new trends on revising convention, establishing African Qualifications and Credit Framework, develop- ing African Continental Quality Assurance Framework, improving the use of ICT, promoting research and so on. Although it has the initial success, harmonization of higher education in Africa is still facing many challenges, such as difficult coordination on education system, unattainable guarantee of quality standard, barriers on resources sharing and weak joint on harmonization action. This process has unique characteristics, including con- sistent language and education tradition, the largest number of organizations and focusing on capacity building. China can consider adopting some programs to promote this process.
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期9-17,共9页 International and Comparative Education
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2014年度课题"非洲教育一体化发展战略研究"(课题编号:BDA140029)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 非洲 高等教育一体化 学历资格认证 教育质量保障 Africa Harmonization of Higher education Qualifications and Credit framework educational quality assurance
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