

Analysis of the Influence Factor on the Performance of Subsurface Drainage System
摘要 排水系统性能的影响因素众多,为了对其量化研究,将排水量作为衡量排水性能的指标,研究了不同影响因素的变化对排水量的影响。结果表明:对于设计参数而言,排水系统入口阻抗相对于其他参数对排水量大小的影响最小;排水沟土壤表面以下的水位深度对排水量的大小影响最大;排水沟间距的影响(尤其是排水沟间距较小的情况)也不容忽视。另外,对于非设计参数而言,气候因素和城市土地利用率对地下排水系统性能的影响类似,在对未来排水系统性能进行预测时,这两个因素均要考虑。 Subsurface drainage performance is critical to the urban water management,however,there are a lot of factors related to it. In this paper,drainage discharge is considered as the evaluation index for the sake of quantity study,and effect of drainage parameters change on amount of drain discharge is investigated in subsurface drainage systems. It can be concluded that for design parameters,entrance resistance at the drain have minimum of effect on drain discharge into the other drainage parameters. Depth of water level in drain below soil surface is introduced as the most effective parameter between all of the drainage parameters for drain discharge,the role of drain spacing particularly in low space should not be ignored. In addition,for other factors,according to the sensitivity analysis,the impact of rainfall intensities and pavement of urban areas share a similar impact on drainage performance,hence it is important to look into both aspects in trying to predict future performance of subsurface drainage system. This paper analyzes the factors that impact the drainage performance of underground drainage systems roundly,and provides reference for the design of such systems.
作者 杨艳 李胡勇
出处 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第2期30-33,54,共5页 Research and Exploration In Laboratory
基金 河南省科技攻关计划项目(122102310437)
关键词 地下排水系统 排水性能 影响因子 敏感度分析 subsurface drainage system drainage performance influence factor sensitivity analysis
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