The method for anticipated transient without scram(ATWS)analysis was completely developed for large scale pressurized water reactor(PWR)plants,especially for the selecting of typical initiating events.For the analysis of ATWS,it is obvious that large scale PWR is quite different from small modular PWR because of different structures and design characteristics,and it is necessary to study the typical initiating events for the safety analyses of these reactors.Based on the standard of PWR and the general requirements for ATWS analysis,the consequences of typical classⅡ anticipated transient without scram for small modular PWR were calculated using RELAP5/MOD3.2code,while the integrity of reactor coolant system was selected as design limit criterion.The results show that for the small modular PWR,the initiating events of ATWS yielding the most severe consequences are the loss of offsite power and control rod withdraw accidents,thereby the typical initiating events were obtained,and it willsupport to prepare the safety analysis report for small modular PWR.
Atomic Energy Science and Technology