

Preliminary Exploration of Aerosol Capturing
摘要 放射性气溶胶的捕集技术是气溶胶放化分析的前提,对其进行研究有利于促进气溶胶放化分析的发展。本工作通过使用不同滤材的组合,构建气溶胶过滤器,研究放化分析的气溶胶取样技术,实验结果表明:金属烧结毡与高效滤材进行组合后,其捕集效率达到98%以上,利用爆竹爆炸产生的气溶胶,进行模拟取样实验,在30min内可获得100mg以上的0.5μm以上粒径的气溶胶,满足放化气溶胶取样的要求。 The technology of radioactive aerosol capturing was the premise of radiochemical analysis of aerosol,helped to promote the development of aerosol radiochemical analysis.In this paper,by using a combination of different filtering materials and the construction of aerosol filter,radiochemical analysis aerosol sampling technique was discussed.Experiments show that:by the combination of sintered metal felt and high efficiency material,the efficiency can reach above 98%.The aerosol was generated by explosions of firecrackers for simulating sampling experiment.It is obtained that more than 100 mg particle size of aerosol 0.5μm within 30 min,which fully meet the discharge of radiochemical analysis aerosol sampling requirements.
出处 《核化学与放射化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期91-96,共6页 Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry
关键词 气溶胶 高效滤材 金属烧结毡 捕集 过滤效率 aerosol efficient filtering material firing felt acquiring filtering efficiency
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