For the phenomenon of transverse cracks on the outside surface of titanium tubes TA2 rolled by LG cold-rolling mill, the out- side and inside surface quality, chemical composition and mechanical property of the original tube blank were analyzed, and the fracture feature of transverse cracks was observed by SEM. Furthermore, the roiling technology and parameters were analyzed, the result shows that the tube blank has good quality, and the rolling technology and parameters are reasonable, which are not the reasons of transverse crack. The rolling width 1.12 is measured, which is bigger than the normal value 1.03 - 1.07. Considering the phenomenon of bigger wall thickness deviation of cold-rolled tube, it is concluded that a bigger rolling width will bring non-uniform metal deformation, which is the reason of transverse crack on the outside surface of tubes. Based on the above analysis, tubes are rolled with normal roiling width, and no transverse cracks on the outside surface are found.
Forging & Stamping Technology