选用水体中流动性、生物毒性较强的典型重金属铅为目标离子,系统的研究N-(2-磺乙基)壳聚糖以及传统壳聚糖(CTS)对目标离子的吸附固定作用。结果显示,NSEC和CTS均符合朗格缪尔曲线和准二阶动力学模型,且NSEC相比CTS优势明显,其可显著降低水体中Pb^(2+)的浓度(CTS的吸附容量为38.96 mg/g,NSEC吸附容量为99.79mg/g)。不同溶液pH值、不同接触时间以及Pb^(2+)浓度条件下,NSEC相对于CTS吸附性能都具有明显优势。在与不同类型的吸附剂比较中,NSEC对重金属离子铅的吸附有着更为出色的吸附容量。
N-2-Sulfoethylchitosan(NSEC) is well known for its efficient removal of cooper. However, there is few report about the adsorption on other heavy metals. The research aimed at comparing the effective of NSEC and chitosan(CTS) to removal the lead(Pb2+) which is toxicity in solution, aiming to provide an available tool for heavy metal management. To our knowledge,the accumulation of lead in human body is dangerous and could cause the irreversible effect on health, Pb2+could also affect the normal growth of the member of the food chain. The results of the comparison between NSEC and CTS on adsorption of lead under different conditions, i.e. p H of the solution, exposure time, concentrations of Pb2+which were all indicated the obviously advantages of NSEC in removing the bioavailable Pb2+. The results also indicated the dates perform better on Langmiur model than Freundlich model and better on pseudo-second order kinetic model than pseudo-first order kinetic model. The NSEC under all situations showed excellent advantages compared to that of CTS. In addition, the max capacity of NSEC and CTS for labile Pb2+were 99.79 mg/g and 38.96 mg/g, respectively. Consequently, NSEC is a promising adsorbent in getting rid of heavy metals in aqueous solution. The NSEC as a simple and robust method could available immobilized the toxicity of Pb2+in solutions, it could be a useful adsorbent for large-scale application in environment.
Environmental Science and Technology