目的改进2-氰基-3,12-双氧代齐墩果烷-1,9(11)-双烯-28-羧酸(CDDO)的合成工艺。方法以齐墩果酸为起始原料,经苄基化、氧化、催化氢化等7步连续反应合成CDDO。结果与结论 CDDO的结构经质谱、核磁共振氢谱以及红外光谱分析确证,改进后的方法与原工艺相比,工艺简单、环境友好、条件温和、成本低,总收率由文献方法的28.5%提高为39%。
2-Cyano-3,12-dioxooleana-1,9 ( 11 ) -dien-28-oic acid ( CDDO ) is one of the most effective semi- synthetic triterpenoids, and its derivatives are known as the most potent anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic oleananes, but the synthetic method is very complicated. In this paper, a synthetic route to CDDO was designed on the basis of references and the synthetic process was also investigated and optimized. CDDO was synthesized from oleanolic acid via 7-step successive reactions including benzylation, oxidation, catalytic hydrogenation,etc. The structure of CDDO was verified by IR, MS and 1H-NMR. The improved method is moderate and the operation is convenient. Meanwhile the synthetic route is environment friendly and costs little. What's more the total yield is increased to 39% from 28.5% of the reference.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Chemistry