
消逝的景致——透纳废墟作品的形成、风格及影响 被引量:6

Passing Scenery: the Formation, Style, and Influence of the works by Turner
摘要 威廉·透纳是英国浪漫主义风景画的杰出代表。当众多学者的眼光都集中在透纳绘画作品中的光色实验时,我们有必要回溯一下透纳具有浪漫主义特质的地志性和如画风格的风景画作。这种风格曾经构成了透纳早期风景画的主要面貌。纵观透纳的艺术作品,无论是油画、水彩画抑或是蚀刻画,我们均会在画面中发现大量的哥特式废墟、中世纪城堡以及古代遗迹等绘画因素。本文旨从分析十八世纪的英国历史文化语境入手,深入探讨废墟在透纳绘画作品中出现的原因。 William Turnerwas an outstanding representative of British romantic landscape painter. When many scholars' eyes were focusing on colorexperiment in paintings by Turner, it is necessary forus to recall Turner's romantic characterof topography and his picturesque landscape paintings. This style had constituted the majorfeatures of Turner's landscape paintings in his early period. Looking through Turner's works of art, no matterit is painting, watercolororetching, we will find a numberof painting factors such as Gothic ruins, medieval castles and the ancient ruins in the pictures. The purpose of this paperis starting from analyzing British historical and cultural contextin the eighteenth century, so as to study the causes of ruins appearing in the Turnerpaintings in depth.
作者 冯晗
出处 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期100-107,215,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Arts Institute:Fine Arts & Design
关键词 威廉·透纳 废墟 如画 风景画 浪漫主义 William Turner ruins picturesque landscape painting Romanticism
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