
渔用疫苗递送途径研究进展 被引量:3

A Review of Research Progress on Fish Vaccine Delivery
摘要 渔用疫苗的研发和应用是防控病害、保障水产养殖业健康可持续发展的最安全有效的措施之一,而渔用疫苗的递送途径直接关系到免疫效果。注射免疫效果最佳,大部分渔用疫苗均以注射免疫为主要递送途径,但由于该途径具有费时费力、易伤鱼体、不适用于小规格鱼体等缺点,因而浸泡和口服免疫逐步成为目前渔用疫苗递送途径的研究热点。浸泡免疫操作简单,不伤鱼体,但所需抗原量较大,而超声波、活载体及穿刺等辅助方法或技术可有效提高浸泡免疫效果。口服疫苗解决了小规格鱼体免疫的问题,避免鱼类应激反应,利于大量鱼类同时免疫,也具有很好应用前景。本文主要综述渔用疫苗各种递送途径的优缺点及其应用进展。 By now, application of fish vaccines has been the most effective controlling measure of fish diseases in sustainable development of aquaculture industry. Fish vaccine delivery, which closely directly related to the effect, is an important part in vaccine development. At present, most of fish vaccines are delivered by injection since injection vaccination is very effective and produce long-term protection. There are, however, a number of limitations to this method, such as costly time and labor, fish injury and unsuitable for small-size fish body. Therefore, immersion and oral administration have gradually become the hot spot in the research of fish vaccine delivery. Immunization by immersion is very simple and harmless of fish, but requires large amounts of antigens. Ultrasound, live carrier, puncture and other auxiliary methods can effectively improve the immersion immune effect. Oral administration is designed to deliver vaccines into the small-size fish. Delivery of antigens by oral vaccination offers the advantages of being stress free and easy to administrate to large numbers of fish at one time, which has a very good application prospects. The advantages, disadvantages and application of several fish vaccine delivery approaches are reviewed in detail.
出处 《水产学杂志》 CAS 2016年第2期55-60,共6页 Chinese Journal of Fisheries
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费(201203085) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(HSY201311)
关键词 渔用疫苗 递送途径 注射免疫 浸泡免疫 口服免疫 fish vaccine delivery injection vaccination immersion vaccination oral vaccination
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