In this paper we extend the range of truth value of infinite-valued Lukasiewicz logic from [0, 1] to [-1,1], and propose an extended emotional graded BDI logic, i.e., keg-BDI logic that is based on this extended Lukasiewicz logic and propositional dynamic logic to formalize knowledge states, mental states (such as belief, desire, intention) and emotional states (such as fear, anxiety and self-confidence) which influence on the keg-BDI agent's decision-making behavior. This behavior is determined by the different measure of each context that is added by concrete conditions. After presenting the language and semantics of keg-BDI logic and illustrating relationships between/among contexts for the keg-BDI agent, an example of military decision-making behavior is given. This study will provide a formal support for distributed artificial intelligence and military simulation.
Studies in Logic
supported by the Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Foundation of Chinese Ministry of Education(Grant No.13YJA72040001)
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61273338/F030603