

A Literature Review on the Molecular Mechanism Underlying Secondary Aquatic Adaptation of Cetaceans
摘要 关于鲸类次生性水生适应机制已经开展了大量研究,涉及化石、形态、生理、生化及分子水平等诸多领域。分别从鲸类的进化与水生生活的形成历史和鲸类水生适应的遗传机制两个方面,对最新的研究进展进行了简要综述。同时,根据国内外的研究进展,对未来鲸类次生性水生适应的研究方向提出了一些建议。 Many studies have been conducted on the secondary aquatic adaptations of cetaceans in the past decades,with various evidences mainly from fossils,morphology,physiology,biochemistry,and molecular biology. Here,we presented a review of the recent research progresses on the evolutionary history of cetaceans and the genetic mechanism underlying their aquatic life style. Some problems in the present studies and perspectives for the future research areas were also preliminarily discussed.
作者 汪正飞 杨光
出处 《西华师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第1期25-38,2,共14页 Journal of China West Normal University(Natural Sciences)
基金 国家杰出青年基金(31325025)
关键词 鲸类 水生适应 化石 分子进化 遗传机制 cetaceans aquatic adaptation fossils molecular evolution genetic basis
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