

Design and Implementation of Conformance Test for Identifier Separating Mapping Protocol
摘要 一体化标识网络中标识分离映射协议可以实现用户身份与位置分离,克服传统TCP/IP协议标准体系中IP地址的语义二重性在路由可扩展性、移动性、安全性等方面带来的问题。为了弥补国内外协议一致性测试系统的缺点和不足,文中介绍了一种模块化协议一致性测试系统。该系统可以实现自定义测试用例和测试流程,支持新协议的一致性测试。文中充分分析了一体化标识网络中的标识分离映射协议,针对标识分离映射协议的基本首部、分片重组、安全认证、安全加密、标识分离映射五个方面设计一致性测试集,在协议一致性系统上按照测试描述语言实现测试用例,并利用协议一致性测试系统进行测试。对测试结果进行分析,验证被测设备中标识分离映射协议实现符合协议标准定义。 The identifier separating mapping protocol in the universal identifier network can realize the separation of the identifier and locator,which can solve the routing scalability,mobility,security issues caused by the semantic duality of IP address in the TCP / IP. In order to make up for the disadvantage and shortage of the protocol conformance test system at home and abroad,a kind of protocol conformance test system is presented. It can customize the test cases and procedures and support the newprotocol conformance test. The test set of the identifier separating mapping protocol is designed after the full analysis of identifier separating mapping protocol in universal identifier network,including the basic header,slicing and recombination,security authentication,security encryption,identifier separating mapping.It finishes the test cases according to the testing language,tests them in the conformance test system,analyzes the results and verifies the correctness about the identifier separating mapping protocol of the tested device.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2016年第4期6-10,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60903150 61271201)
关键词 一体化标识网络 标识分离映射 一致性测试 测试系统 universal identifier network identifier separating mapping conformance test test system
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