

Mechanical analysis and simulation of semicontinuous equal-channel angular extrusion process
摘要 半连续等通道挤压法是一种在等径角挤压法思想上发展出来的用于细化钢铁材料晶粒的大塑性变形方法,其特点在于转变施力对象,通过对模具施加压力来驱动工件完成大塑性变形,从而增大可加工的材料尺寸,降低对模具材质与精度的要求,在获得整体均匀细化的晶粒的同时具备连续生产的能力.通过详细描述该方法的实现过程,并结合滑移线法、有限元模拟以及实际数据验证,阐明了在实施该方法过程中工件受力情况. Based on the idea of equal channel angular extrusion,a newsevere plastic deformation( SPD) method called semicontinuous equal channel angular extrusion( SC- ECAE) was proposed and applied to refine the grain of steel. The method can change the driving force from the workpieces to the dies. The process breaks the traditional idea of severe plastic deformation. So that the size of workpiece can be highly improved and the difficulties of SPD equipment can be reduced. It not only can achieve uniform refined grain,but also can offer an exciting prospect for production of ultra- fine grained steel at a commercial scale. Through an analysis of slip line field and finite element simulations,and with the measured data from the prototype machine,the force conditions of the workpieces during SC- ECAE process are also discussed.
出处 《材料与冶金学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第1期66-70,共5页 Journal of Materials and Metallurgy
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助(N140704001) 辽宁省科学技术基金博士启动基金(20131033)
关键词 力学分析 有限元模拟 半连续等通道挤压法 大塑性变形 mechanical analysis finite element simulation semicontinuous equal-channel angular extrusion(SCECAE) severe plastic deformation(SPD)
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