

Feminist Animal Studies in the U.S.: Bodies Matter
摘要 本文通过提出"动物研究对现实中的动物是否有益"的问题,讨论了从20世纪70年代辛格/里根时期的显学阶段到随着2002年德里达提出关于动物主体性的著名观点之后再度兴盛这二十多年来女性主义动物研究的发展。尽管数十年来女性主义者一直在探讨这一话题,但男权主义精英主导的学术界却从未倾听过,女性主义传播学理论或许能解释其中缘由。由于学术界重新兴起的动物研究并未认可要为现实中的动物付诸行动,女性主义动物研究的"理解"匮乏问题尤其给非人类动物的福祉带来了极具破坏性的影响。 Raising the question, 'Has Animal Studies been good for actual animals? 'this essay addresses over twenty years of feminist animal studies that developed between the more visible years of the Singer/Regan era of the 1970 s and the renewed interest in animals subsequent to Derrida's(2002)celebrated discovery of animal subjectivity. Feminist communication theory may explain the reasons that, although feminists have been speaking on this topic for decades, masculinist-elite academics have not been listening. Since the reinvigorated version of academic animal studies recognizes no obligation to act on behalf of actual animals, the lack of 'uptake' for feminist animal studies has been particularly devastating for the well-being of nonhuman animals.
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2016年第2期5-10,2+125,共6页 Journal of Poyang Lake
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目"当代加拿大文学中的动物伦理思想"(14WWB004) 中国博士后科学基金项目"动物伦理学观照下的当代加拿大文学研究"(2014M560412)的阶段性成果
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