
海上风电场组网与大容量变流器实现形式对比研究 被引量:2

Comparative Study of Different Offshore Wind Farms and High Capacity Converters Realization
摘要 随着陆基风电向海上平台转移,风电机组功率增大,海上风电场容量扩充,传输距离增加,使得原陆基风场成熟技术难以直接利用。针对这个问题,系统地总结了海上风电场的典型组网形式,就并联阵列模式下的3种风机类型进行了回顾,并介绍了2种提高功率密度的机型方案。而大容量变流器技术是海上风电的关键技术之一,就结构形式可以分为集成式结构和模块化结构,本文从可靠性、容错能力和成本等几个方面,对集成式风电变流器的4种拓扑结构开展了对比研究,同时对模块化变流器不同的级联或并联方案,也进行了相关对比研究,最后对比分析了几种适用于大容量风电变流器的功率器件。研究结果为海上大容量风电变流器的设计提供支持。 Recently,the researches of wind power generation focus from the land-based wind farm to the offshore wind farm. However,with the wind turbine power increase,offshore wind farm capacity expansion,and the power transmission distance increase,making the original mature technology of the land-based wind farm is difficult to be used directly. Aiming at it,this paper systematically summarizes the typical offshore wind farm modes,and then reviews three kinds of wind turbine in parallel array mode,and introduces two new wind turbine solutions to improve the power density. Large capacity converter is one of the key devices of the offshore wind farm,and it can be divided into the integrated structure and modular structure. From several aspects,such as the reliability,fault tolerance ability and cost,four different topologies of the integrated converter has been comparative studied,and the realization forms of the modular converter which can be split into cascading scheme and parallel scheme also be researched at the same time. At last,several power electronic devices which are suitable for large capacity wind power converters are analyzed. The research conclusions support the large capacity converter design for the offshore wind farm.
作者 郑晓坤
出处 《电力电容器与无功补偿》 北大核心 2016年第2期95-104,共10页 Power Capacitor & Reactive Power Compensation
关键词 海上风电场 组网 大容量变流器 集成 模块 拓扑 功率半导体器件 offshore wind farm network large capacity converter integration module topology power electronic device
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