
双通道气液压力机的设计研制 被引量:1

Design and development of dual-channel gas-liquid press
摘要 针对汽车零部件自动化装配生产线中压装工位压力机输出压力控制精度与工作效率矛盾的问题,综合气动压力机与液压机优点,设计基于气液增压技术的双通道气液压力机。压力机动力源采用气液增压缸,气压驱动采用大通径、小通径组合供气控制方式,实现快节拍、高准确度的控制需求。结合气液增压缸工作原理设计双通道气液压力机的增压控制过程;基于PCI数据采集控制卡,设计计算机数据采集控制系统,开发Lab VIEW压力机的数据采集与控制软件。搭建压力机的验证平台,实验结果表明:双通道气液压力机的输出压力最大偏差<100 N,增压过程时间<2 s,符合汽车零部件在线压力机的设计要求。 To make balance between control precision and control efficiency of output pressure of presses on the automatic assembling line for automobile component, a dual-channel gas-liquid press is designed with the gas-liquid supercharging technology as well as the comprehensive advantages of pneumatic presses and hydraulic machines. A gas-liquid pressurized cylinder is equipped its power source and gas drive is a combination of bigger and smaller aperture gas for fast and precise control. The pressurized control flow of the press is devised according to the working principle of the gas-liquid pressurized cylinder. Based on PCI data acquisition and control cards,a computer data acquisition and control system is developed;data acquisition and control software is designed with the Lab VIEW platform; and a verification platform is set up.The experimental results indicate that the maximum deviation of output pressure is less than 100 N and the time of pressurization process is within 2 s,conforming to the design requirements of the press,and thus the method is suitable for automatically crimping auto parts.
出处 《中国测试》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期75-80,共6页 China Measurement & Test
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51405463) 浙江省仪器科学与技术重中之重学科科研创新活动计划项目(JL150507) 浙江省公益技术应用研究计划项目(2015C31081)
关键词 压力机 双通道 气液增压 装配 press dual-channel gas-liquid pressurized assembly
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