ETi K项目旨在基于教育理论和实证研究的结合、知识取向与能力取向的结合,建立一种符合教育理论、同时具有信度和效度的针对中学生道德能力的测评体系。该体系将学生通过德育课程所应培养的道德能力分为基础知识、判断能力和行为设计能力,以自己的道德、陌生的道德、公共的道德为反思内容的维度,利用赫尔巴特的"五道念"并汲取伦理学史上有代表性的道德判断形式,对道德事实进行反思。ETi K-上海的实施,将通过对ETi K体系的改编和移用进行中德德育比较研究,并在此基础上尝试建立适用于中国学生的道德能力测量体系。
This paper introduces the Project ETi K of the Humboldt University and its international project ETi K- Shanghai. The ETi K project based on the combination of educational theories and empirical research and the combination of the knowledge orientation and the competence orientation, and construct a system of the Assessment of the students' moral competences. The competence model divides the moral competences of students into 3 parts: basic knowledge, the competence of judgment and the competence of design of the action. This system includes the own moral, the foreign moral and the public moral as content, and uses the ethic system of Herbart and the representative judgmental forms, to reflect the moral facts.ETi K- Shanghai will use the system of the project ETi K and make a comparative research of the moral education in China and Germany, and try to establish an assessment system for Chinese moral education.
Journal of Schooling Studies