
谣言对技术风险的社会放大——以核技术风险谣言为例证 被引量:5

The Social Amplification of Technical Risks by Rumors:Taking Nuclear Risks Rumors as an Example
摘要 近几年,我国出现了大量有关技术风险的谣言,本研究结合两起核技术风险谣言的案例,分析了技术风险的污名化与公众的预期心理在对谣言释放的风险信号进行诠释与解读的过程中,公众基于对技术风险特征的主观感受,在交互中不断对谣言进行打磨,使其不断变异,并与公众的认知偏差相耦合,使以讹传讹的谣言变成骇人听闻的"事实",导致技术风险被人为地建构与放大。而技术风险的社会放大使公众产生了"信念的真实";成为谣言中非理性行为的催化剂;增加了技术风险谣言辟除的难度;促使对技术风险谣言背后隐喻的关注。 In recent years,there have been a lot of rumors about the technical risk. Based on two cases about the risk of nuclear technology rumors,the paper analyzes the process of interpreting the signals where risk rumors are released,and interpretation of the public based on the technical characteristics of the subjective feelings of risk. Due to the existence of public perception bias,false rumors become so appalling'fact',resulting in the fact that technical risks are constructed and amplified artificially. The paper draws the following conclusions: the social amplification of technical risk makes the public have a perception of'true faith',becoming a catalyzer for irrational behavior in rumors,adding to the difficulty in eliminating technical risk rumors,and prompting the attention towards the metaphor behind the rumors of technical risks.
作者 孙壮珍 宋伟
出处 《科普研究》 北大核心 2016年第2期16-23,96,共8页 Studies on Science Popularization
基金 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地社会发展与社会风险控制研究中心"新媒体背景下公众环境抗争及政府应对策略研究"(SR15A12)
关键词 谣言 技术风险 社会放大 rumors technical risk social amplification
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