
New Existentialism: The Literary inetto as a Reemerging Prototype in Twenty-First Century Cinema

New Existentialism: The Literary inetto as a Reemerging Prototype in Twenty-First Century Cinema
摘要 The new prototype of the inetto, a helpless and impassive character, makes his first appearance near the end of the nineteenth century in Italian literature, continues to gain strength and status throughout the twentieth-century artistic climate (through the existentialist philosophy of Sartre and Camus) and reemerges in contemporary cinema. The present study examines whether there is a gradual exacerbation or overcoming of this psychological disorder across the centuries in the novels and films investigated. Specifically, I offer a comparative analysis of Svevo's character Emilio Brentani in Senilitd (1898) and Giuseppe Piceioni's Guido in Giulia non esce la sera (Giulia Does Not Date at Night) (2009). This study will also draw unusual parallels between Schopenhauer, Svevo's existentialist philosophy and contemporary cinema.
出处 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第5期512-522,共11页 文学与艺术研究(英文版)
关键词 inetto MALAISE IMPOTENCE EXISTENTIALISM philosophy (anti)hero 存在主义哲学 电影 原型 文学 产学合作教育 艺术氛围 心理障碍 意大利
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