目的 了解青岛市胶州社区人群对脑卒中危险因素及症状的知晓现状。方法 采用现场问卷的方式,调查青岛市胶州社区居民对卒中危险因素及早期预警症状的知晓率。结果 ①卒中危险因素知晓率:53.6%的被调查者能识别至少2项卒中危险因素,24.2%被调查者能识别至少3项危险因素,6.4%的被调查者能识别至少4项危险因素;②早期预警症状知晓情况:社区居民对卒中5项预警症状知晓率为25.0%~53.8%,其中对肢体麻木或面部麻木、无力的识别率最高,对突发头痛的识别率最低;③发病后到达医院途径:53%被调查者认为如果发生卒中,应该拨打“120”急救电话求助。结论 青岛市胶州社区居民对卒中危险因素、预警症状的综合知晓度不高。提示应加强对青岛市胶州社区居民卒中防治相关的健康教育宣教。
Objective To obtain the information of the current situation of awareness related to the stroke knowledge among the residents in the community of Jiaozhou of Qingdao. Methods The questionnaires of relevant stroke knowledge were conducted in this study to investigate the awareness rate of risk factors and early warning signs of stroke among the residents living in Jiaozhou District Qingdao. Results ①The awareness rate of risk factors of stroke: 53.6% of residents who answered questions could recognize at least two risk factors 24.2% of residents who answered questions could recognize at least three risk factors, only 6.4% of residents who answered questions could recognize at least four risk factors; ②The awareness circumstance of early warning signs of stroke: the percentage of residents' awareness of early warning signs of stroke in this community is 25.0%-53.8%, the situation of awareness of stroke warning symptoms was: sudden limb weakness, limb or face numbness (the highest), sudden headache (the lowest). ③Transportation methods of stroke patients to hospital: only 53% of them would call 120. Conclusion The level of residents' awareness of stroke risk factors and early warning signs in the community of Jiaozhou of Qingdao is not significantly high as expected. It is important to provide health education of stroke prevention to the residents in community of Jiaozhou of Qingdao.
Guide of China Medicine
Health education
Warning signs