

Wisdom Source of the Dark Ages——Study on University Teachers in the Middle Ages
摘要 随着欧洲社会的发展和城市化的兴起,对知识的渴求使得一批有识之士聚集在一起坐而论道,逐渐形成了中世纪大学。中世纪的大学教师为争取教师资格授予权和学位资格授予权与教会和王权周旋。他们的收入来源起初主要是学生自愿给予的"感谢金",后来随着大学教师地位的日益提高,"感谢金"被固定的薪资制度所取代。由于大学教师的特殊身份,他们不仅在司法审判中享有特权,还拥有免税权、罢课权,这些特权是中世纪大学教师学术自由的重要保证。 With the growth and urbanization of European society,people with breadth of vision gathered together to explore knowledge,which gradually formed the medieval university. Teachers of medieval university strove for the right to award teachers' qualification and students' degree against the church and the crown. At first the medieval university teachers' salary was primarily composed of gratuity which students paid voluntarily in order to express thanks. As the status of university teachers improved,fixed salary replaced gratuity and became the main source of teachers' income. Due to the special identity,medieval universities' teachers not only had the litigation privilege,but also enjoyed the duty and tax free privileges and the right to strike. These privileges are important guarantee of academic freedom.
作者 喻恺 谌思宇
出处 《山东高等教育》 2016年第4期37-41,76,共6页 Review of Higher Education
关键词 中世纪大学 大学教师 薪资 特权 Medieval University University Teacher Salary Privilege
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  • 1[2]Nathan Schachner,The Mediaeval universities (Edinburgh:T.and A.Constable Ltd.University Press,1938),16-17;Willis Rudy,The Universities of Europe,1100-1914:A History (Associated University Presses,1984),14-16.
  • 2[4]Nathan Schachner,The Mediaeval universities (Edinburgh:T.and A.Constable Ltd.University Press,1938),16-18,25-36 ; Lynn Thorndike,University Records and Life in the Middle Ages Number ⅩⅩⅩⅧ of The Records of Civilization--Sources and Studies (New York:Columbia University Press,1944),14-15.
  • 3[3]当时教会方面把那些获得了某种特权的机构或组织称为"studia generalia".参见Jean Dunbabin,Universities c.1150-c.1350,The Idea of a University (Jessica Kingsley Publishers,1999),30; J.Dunbabin 认为,"For a long period there was no word in common use to describe these new permanent superschools,although popes referred to them in privileges as studia generalia,an ambiguous term,which only became the normal legal way of describing a university in the fourteenth century.The noun universitas,used to describe any privileged corporate body,was not narrowed down to refer first and foremost to an academic community specializing in higher education before the fifteenth century.Students and masters usually referred to their places of study as studia,a word which could also apply to other less elevated educational institutions."
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  • 5Nicholas Orme, Education and Society in Medieval and Rrenaissanee England, London and Ronceverte: the Hambledon Press, 1989.
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  • 7H. De Ridder-Symons, A History of the University in Europe, Vol. 1 Universities in the Middle Ages, Cambridge University Press, 1992, p.82.
  • 8[英]J.沃特沃斯.《特兰特圣公会议教规教全集》,陈文海译注,北京:商务印书馆,2012年,第33-36页.
  • 9H. De Ridder-Syrnons, A History of the University in Europe, Vol. 1 Universities in the Middle Ages, 1992, p.150.
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