对感染白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)的凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)分别注射0.05和0.10μg/μL的vp28-si RNA,干扰效果实验表明,si RNA最佳浓度为0.10μg/μL。凡纳滨对虾感染WSSV 24 h时注射0.10μg/μL的vp28-si RNA,检测免疫后不同时间点的干扰效果。结果表明:在注射vp28-si RNA 6 h后,实验组与对照组WSSV病毒拷贝数差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在48 h时实验组病毒拷贝数急剧下降,对照组则保持较高水平,可较好干扰WSSV病毒复制,干扰效果持续120 h,对凡纳滨对虾的保护率为40%。凡纳滨对虾用0.10 mg/m L肽聚糖(Peptidoglycan)免疫24 h后感染WSSV,检测6、12、24 h注射vp28-si RNA的保护率。结果显示:6 h注射组的保护率为80%,12 h注射组为63.33%,24 h注射组为56.67%。凡纳滨对虾在肽聚糖和vp28-si RNA作用后,可增加其对WSSV抗感染作用,降低死亡率,干扰时间越早,对对虾的保护率越高。
Vp28-siRNAat the concentration of 0.05and 0.10μg/μL was injected intoLitopenaeus vannameisufferedfrom White Spot Syndrome (WSS), respectively.The optimum concentration of vp28-siRNA was 0.10 μg/mL by interference effect experiment.L. vannamei waschallenged withWhite Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV),andwas stimulated byvp28-siRNA at 24th day after infection.The effects ofvp28-siRNA interference at different times were detected. The results showed that the experimental group had statistical differences from the control group(P<0.05) at the6th hour,and WSSV copy numberhadarapiddecline at 48th hourand the good interference replication of WSSV lasted until the 120th hour. The protection rate was 40%.L. vannameiimmuned by peptidoglycan(0.1 μg/mL) was infected with WSSV. Thenvp28-siRNA was injected at the different times(6h,12h and 24h) into theshrimps and the protection rate was measured. The results revealed that the protection rateof group6h,12h and 24h was 80%,63.33%and 56.67%, respectively.It is more effective to interfere withWSSV so that it can reduce shrimp mortality, afterL. vannamei immuned with peptidoglycan andvp28-siRNA, and the earlierinterference, the higherrate of protection.
Journal of Guangdong Ocean University