目的 探讨新生儿和小婴儿的肝脏婴儿型血管内皮瘤的诊断治疗特点。方法 回顾分析 6例肝脏婴儿型血管内皮瘤并结合文献分析其临床表现、影像学检查、病理特点、治疗方法和疗效。结果 6例中产前B超检查发现肝脏肿块 3例 ,因肝大腹部包块就诊 2例、黄疸 1例。无充血性心衰和Kasabach Merrit综合征等并发症发生。影像学检查 :B超均示肝脏低回声实性肿瘤影 ,血流丰富。CT平扫均示肝脏低密度肿块 ,可有散在或聚集颗粒状钙化 ;增强扫描边缘明显强化 ,逐渐向中心扩张。肿块大小不等。 6例均为单发病变 :肝右叶 4例、左叶 2例 ;肝内 2例、边缘 4例。血甲胎蛋白 (AFP)除 1例未查 ,5例均高于 12 10ng/mL。手术切除 5例 ,1例保守观察。病理特点 :6例均为Ⅰ型血管内皮瘤 :光镜下见由大小不等血管构成 ,管腔内壁可见肿胀增生的内皮细胞 ,核分裂相少见 ;免疫组化凝血Ⅷ因子 (+) ,CD34(+)。随诊 2个月至 2年 :手术患儿无复发 ,3例满 1岁者AFP降至正常 ;1例保守观察者随访至生后 7个月 ,肿瘤略缩小。 6例患儿均生长发育良好。结论 肝脏婴儿型血管内皮瘤发病早 ,多在胎儿晚期、新生儿期及 6个月内发现 ,为良性病变 ,须与肝母细胞瘤和神经母细胞瘤肝转移相鉴别 ;单发病灶无并发症者手术切除效果好 。
Objective To investigate the suitable management of hepatic infantile hemangioendothelioma in newborns and infants.Methods Clinical,pathological and imaging features and the method for therapy were retrospected in 6 children with hepatic infantile hemangioendothelioma.Results Hepatic mass was found preneonately in 3,while hepatomegaly in 2 and jaundice in 1 out of 6 children.No congestive heart failure and Kasabach Merritt syndrome were observed.CT scan showed a typical low attenuation solid lesion with peripheral enhancement image.In 5 children,AFP was more than 1210ng/mL.Tumor resections were performed in 5 and clinical follow up by sonography in 1 patient.Infantile hemangloendothelioma(Pattern Ⅰ)with CD34(+)and Ⅷ factor(+)was found by pathological examination.No recurrence was observed after the operation during the 2 months to 2 years follow up.Conclusion Hepatic infantile hemangioendothelioma is a benign tumor that presents mostly before the age of 6 months.It is necessary to differentiated it with neuroblastoma Stage IVs.Better outcome might be achieved in patients with solitary lesion undergoing surgical resection and in asymptomatic patients with spontaneous tumor regression.
Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics