
新型城镇化视角下智慧旅游城市建设模式研究——基于河北省智慧旅游城市建设分析 被引量:16

Study on the Construction Mode of Smart Tourism City from the View of New Urbanization——Based on the construction of wisdom of tourism city in Heibei Province
摘要 随着中国新型城镇化建设的加速,旅游业的迅猛发展,现代信息化技术的不断更新,智慧旅游城市建设逐步成为旅游城市转型升级的新途径。河北省城市旅游资源丰富,建设智慧旅游城市优势明显。本文在智慧旅游城市相关理论的基础上,分析了河北省智慧旅游城市建设现状,明确了构建智慧旅游城市的前提条件,并从目标模式和实施模式两个角度对智慧旅游城市建设模式进行了构建,可对河北省乃至全国智慧旅游城市建设提供重要启示意义。 With the accelerated construction of new urbanization,the rapid development of the tourism industry,and modern information technology constantly updated,the construction of the smart tourism city gradually becomes a new way of transformation and upgrading of tourism city in China. The cities in Hebei province are rich in tourist resources,and have advantages of construction smart tourism city Based on the related theory of smart tourism city,the paper analyzes tthe present situation of the construction of tourist city of wisdom in Hebei province,clears about the premises of constructing the smart tourism city,and constructs wisdom tourism construction mode of city from two perspectives of objective model and implementation model,which has important significance in Hebei province and even the national wisdom tourism city construction.
出处 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期197-202,共6页 Hebei Academic Journal
基金 2014年度河北省社会科学基金项目<河北省智慧旅游城市评价指标体系构建及应用研究>(HB14GL027)阶段性成果之一
关键词 智慧旅游城市 建设模式 新型城镇化 物联网 数据平台 Smart Tourism City construction mode New Urbanization Internet of Things Data Platform
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