
20世纪美国教师教育课程观的流变与思辨 被引量:1

Experience and Speculation of the Curriculum Thoughts on American Teacher Education in the 20^(th) Century
摘要 20世纪美国教师教育领域形成了学术主义、绩效主义、进步主义和社会重建主义四种特色鲜明的教师教育课程观。它们从不同角度阐释了教师教育课程中的教师角色、知识基础、学习方式等重要问题。但这一时期的教师教育课程观并没有完全付诸实践,所以对教育实践的影响力不尽相同。 There were four distinct curriculum thoughts in the field of American teacher educanon throughout the 20th century, which covers academic curriculum view, performance-based curriculum view, progressive curriculum view and social-renconstruction curriculum view. These thoughts explain some important topics on teacher education curriculum, such as teacher's role, knowledge background, learning style etc. However, the arguments of American teacher education curriculum had different impact on practice during that period, and hadn't been completely implemented in reality.
作者 吴路珂
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期122-127,共6页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 河南省高校哲学社会科学"三重"重大课题"美国现代大学制度及其对中国高等教育改革的启示意义研究"(2014-SZZD-12) "2015年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目"国家留学基金资助
关键词 教师教育课程观 学术主义 绩效主义 进步主义 社会重建主义 Curriculum thoughts of teacher education academic curriculum view performance-based curriculum view progressive curriculum view social-reconstruction curriculum view
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