

The Complex of Jang Hyukjoo:The Objective and Dilemma of the Writers of Japan-Occupied Taiwan
摘要 在1930年代的日据台湾,日语逐渐成为了文坛通用语。在此前后陆续登上文坛的台湾日语作家如杨逵、吕赫若、张文环和龙瑛宗等,在文学创作道路上以扬名日本"中央文坛"的殖民地朝鲜作家张赫宙作为进阶目标,形成了一种特殊的"张赫宙情结";台湾本岛文学评论界同时也以"张赫宙"及其文学成就作为检讨台湾作家日语创作成就的重要参照体系。通过辨析现代文学中"张赫宙"以弱小民族作家及殖民地日语作家形象渐次浮现的文学历程,可以发现,日据台湾日语作家的"张赫宙情结"固然展示出他们尝试以日语来建设台湾文坛时所剑指的前进方向,亦显露出他们用日语进行文学创作时的创作窘境。 In 1930s of Japanese-occupied Taiwan,Japanese became gradually the main literary language. In the literary world of Taiwan,writers who wrote in Japanese such as Yang Kui,Lyu Heruo,Zhang Wenhuan and Long Yingzong began to set famous Japancolonized Korean writer Jang Hyukjoo as the striving goal,forming a kind of special"Complex of Jang Hyukjoo". Taiwan literary critics also use"Jang Hyukjoo"and his literary achievements as a reference to review Taiwan Japanese writers' creation and achievement.The analysis of modern literary role played by Jang Hyukjoo as a weak national writer and colonial Japanese writer will reveal that Japanese writers in Taiwan were confronted with serious dilemma of writing in Japanese when following the direction of"the Complex of Jang Hyukjoo. "
作者 马泰祥
机构地区 西南大学文学院
出处 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期145-162,共18页 Comparative Literature in China
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"日据到光复以来台湾作家的跨语经验研究"(编号SWU1609005)阶段性成果
关键词 张赫宙情结 日据台湾 日语创作 杨逵 the Complex of Jang Hyukjoo Japanese-occupied Taiwan Japanese writing Yang Kui
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