
开启大众读者的心门:对中国文学在美国走出困境的思考 被引量:5

Opening the Hearts of General Readers:Reflections on the Marginal Existence of Contemporary Chinese Literature in American Readership Market
摘要 中国当代文学在美国读者市场中一直处于边缘。抛开政治、历史等原因不谈,美国读者的优越感促成其对翻译文学的冷漠,出版商为了利润只关注具有轰动效应的作品,对中国文学没有大力宣传推动;而且,中国当代文学颇多存在演绎概念的倾向,导致人物个性刻画及心理描写不足,这些都是美国主流媒体批评的关键词。此外,与欧洲读者不同,美国大众读者注重快捷的审美愉悦感,注重行动胜于沉思感伤,其美国梦情结和宗教情感等深层审美心理都影响其对中国作品的接受。为使中国当代文学叩动美国大众读者的心门,译介应打破对精英文学的固守,在趣味性、思想性、艺术性之间找到与美国大众读者的契合点;在不影响原作文化精神和思想内涵的前提下。 Contemporary Chinese literature has long been marginalized in American readership market. Apart from historical and political reasons,the superiority complex of American readers is an important reason for their indifference to translated works. On the other hand,American publishers favor sensational works for profits and hence take little efforts to publicize Chinese literature. Besides,contemporary Chinese literature tends to be vehicles for ideologies and is thus inadequate in creating more complex characters with psychological depth,which are the keywords of the criticism from American mainstream media. What's more important,unlike European readers,American readers prefer direct and fast pleasure from reading and do not like depressing or contemplative novels. The aesthetic mentality of American dream complex and religious piety play critical roles in the reception of foreign novels. Therefore,to open their heart,when introducing works overseas,we should rethink about our insistence on our elite literature and focus instead on the works with artistic tastes,pleasure of reading and depth of thoughts to seek resonance with American readers. In the meanwhile,translators should be allowed more freedom in terms of readability while retaining the original cultural spirit,thoughts and style.
作者 崔艳秋
出处 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期200-212,共13页 Comparative Literature in China
关键词 中国当代文学 美国大众读者 审美心理 译介 contemporary Chinese literature American readers aesthetic mentality translation and dissemination
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