
海上高温高压井完井管柱安全性设计 被引量:9

Safety Design of Well Completion String in Offshore HTHP Well
摘要 东方1-1气田高温高压储层生产管柱在生产过程中存在变形量大、生产初期井口节流压降与温降大,以及特殊的环空密闭憋压等问题,具有安全生产隐患。因此对该类气井开展完井管柱安全性设计研究具有重要的现实意义。通过油管携液、油管防冲蚀、水合物的预防、油管柱强度校核、密闭环空压力变化分析、射孔管柱振动与减震措施研究,开展了海上高温高压井完井管柱安全性设计。该设计方法成功应用到东方1-1高温高压气田,对其他海上高温高压气田的开发还具有良好的指导作用。 There exists large pipes deformation during drilling,big drop of pressure and temperature string in the process of early production and special annulus airtight pressure-out in DF 1-1 HTHP gas reservoir which have safety hazard,so safety design of well completion string has important practical significance. Liquid-carrying and washout preventing of tubing,hydrate prevention,intensity checking of tubing,airtight annulus pressure changes,vibration and absorbing measures of perforating string were analyzed. The design method of well completion string was successfully applied to the DF 1-1 HTHP gas field and also has good guidance to other sea high temperature and high pressure gas field development.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2016年第12期248-253,共6页 Science Technology and Engineering
关键词 高温高压井 完井管柱 强度校核 安全分析 振动与减震 HTHP well well completion string intensity checking safety design vibration and absorbing
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